Ian Verstegen published a new book, which further deepen the knowledge of the media theory developed by Arnheim.
Tag: news
Arnheim, Gestalt and Media:
Echoes from VSAC 2018
VSAC 2018 (The Visual Science of Art Conference) was held in Trieste from 24 to 26 August, organizedby Rossana Actis-Grosso and Daniele Zavagno, as a satellite conference of ECVP 2018 (European Conference on Visual Perception), coordinated by Tiziano Agostini, that took place from 26 to 30 August, also in Trieste.
Symposium on Art and Expression in memory of
Alberto Argenton at VSAC 2018, 24 August
VSAC 2018 – The Visual Science of Art Conference – dedicates a Symposium in memory of Alberto Argenton, entitled Art and Expression.
The name of the symposium is the same as a book written by Argenton in 2008, which will be published by Routledge in the coming months: Art and Expression. Studies in the Psychology of Art.
At VSAC 2018, research on pictorial continuous narrative, designed by Alberto Argenton
Pictorial continuous narratives: Perceptual-representational strategies is the title of the research by Ian Verstegen, Tamara Prest, Laura Messina Argenton, and Alberto Argenton (†) that will be presented at the symposium Representation of events and dynamic content in the visual arts, chaired by Rossana Actis-Grosso
The last article by Alberto Argenton
The last article written by Alberto Argenton – Is Arnheim just a formalist? – was published posthumously in Gestalt Theory, issue 3/2015.
A book in my honour
It is with great pleasure and pride that I would like to announce a piece of news that concerns me – namely the publication of a book. The book was edited by two colleagues...