Under the collective title The crazy line a considerable number of watercolor and oil works are grouped. I realized them in the 80s and below some specimens are shown. I also gave the same title to a small exhibition of watercolors held at the Gallery La Chiocciola of Padua in 1983 (see here alongside the double-sided invitation).
At the reverse side of the invitation a quotation from Pirandello is reported: “Ciampa: «… You must know that we all have as three clock chains in our head. The serious, the civil, the crazy» (Luigi Pirandello, // Il berretto a sonagli).
The title of this small exhibition is the same as a series of watercolors and one of the themes of my artistic research, to which the occurrences of existence provide cues and suggest titles.
To each topic corresponds a graphical and pictorial research and the title may refer either to the original idea (inspiration?) or to the sequence of images that from the mind through the hand takes shape on paper, developing the original idea itself.
The line – the chain in the mind of Ciampa – behaves in a civil or serious manner, as constrained by the rules of the game, but it manifests itself as ‘crazy’- free in the rules of the game – thus creating individual images (fragments of discourse, of thought, of themes) through signs combined with the color, through the painting.
- “e-ros-so e Nero 001″, 1980, acquarello, cm. 14 x 14
- “e-ros-so e Nero 002″, 1980, acquarello, cm. 14 x 14
- “e-ros-so e Nero 003″, 1980, acquarello, cm. 14 x 14
- “trio 002″, 1980, acquarello, cm. 14 x 14
- “trio 001″, 1980, acquarello, cm. 14 x 14
- “studio 1″, s.d., acquarello, cm. 10 x 14
- “studio 3″, s.d., acquarello, cm. 10 x 14
- “studio 2″, s.d., acquarello, cm. 10 x 14
- “studio”, s.d., tecnica mista, cm. 10.5 x 21
- “studio”, s.d., tecnica mista, cm. 10.5 x 21
- “studio per un totem”, 1986, acquarello, cm. 21.5 x 12
- “carnevale 1″, 1989, tecnica mista, cm. 21 x 10.5
- “carnevale 2″, 1989, tecnica mista, cm. 21 x 10.5
- “studio”, 1979-1989, acquarello, cm. 17.5 x 10.6
- “be bop 1″, 1984, acquarello, cm. 42 x 60.5
- “be bop 2″, 1984, acquarello, cm. 60.5 x 42